Vermiculite in the house

Vermiculite was used in insulation products in many Canadian and American houses. A good part of that vermiculite, sold in North America, was extracted from a mine where the ore naturally contained a small percentage of asbestos tremolite, an amphibole.

Sharing experience in preventing Chrysotile harmful effects

In the afternoon of March 07th, in Hanoi, Mr. Dang Ngoc Tung – member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Chairman of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor had a discussion with the delegation of Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers’ Union of the Russian Federation leaded by Mr. Boris Soshenko.

Fibro – cement roofing sheet affect human health – What is the truth?

Having lots of preeminent features such as durable, tough, heat-proof, insulated, sound-proof, possible to bear friction and impact forces, etc. Chrysotile is considered as useful input material in the production of over 3,000 products applying in the field of construction material, friction bearing products like friction-band, buffer, variety types of heat-roof fabrics and clothes, aviation industry, and pharmaceutical industry.

Safe and responsible use of Chrysotile

On March 09th, in Hanoi, Construction Material Department – International Cooperation Department (Ministry of Construction) coordinated with International Alliance of Chrysotile Trade Union Organizations to organize the workshop “Safe and responsible use of Chrysotile”.

Is the accusation of chrysotile asbestos justified?

People often hear about the use of chrysotile asbestos in the manufacture of asbestos cement roof sheet as well as its effect on the health of the workers. Nevertheless, if objective view of asbestos is adopted, there are surely many questions that concerned authorities and scientists need to answer.

Justification for Chrsyotile

People often think of Asbestos as the cause for cancer, but in reality, scientists have proved that chrysotile asbestos is not a trigger of cancer and still the material used for producing low cost roof sheets.

Chrysotile – cement pipe applied widely in Vietnam

For many years, majority of Vietnamese people have referred chrysotile as only an input material for producing fiber cement roof sheet so that missing out on its useful applications. Chrysotile – cement pipe seemed to be well-know in Russia, France, Thailand…

Is chrysotile in drinking water safe for health?

Chrysotile – cement pipes have been applied widely and played important role in drinking water piping system in many countries over the world. Is that risk-free for health?

Ban on asbestos not possible

Asbestos is a commercial term to indicate any fibrous mineral with a fibrous form. Historically, the word asbestos comes from the Greek meaning inextinguishable, or indestructible. Being best known for its properties of strong, flexible, and heat resistant, asbestos has been used since ancient times.

Vietnam National Roofsheet Association supporting the flood victims in Quang Binh

The historical flood caused heavy human losses and made thousands of people homeless in provinces of Quang Binh, Ha Tinh, Nghe An, Quang Tri and so on. In order to help the flood hit households in Quang Binh to quickly stabilize their lives after the natural disaster, Vietnam National Roofsheet Association organized the “Assistance for flood victims in Quang Binh province” with a budget of VND 400 million donated by chrysotile cement roof sheet factories, traders, chrysotile producers. This was the Vietnam National Roofsheet Association’s annual activity under the theme “Social responsibility” and signified the spirit “Mutual affection and mutual love”, “Intact leaves wrap torn leaves” of the association.

Press Seminar “Shedding the New Light on Chrysotile”

Chrysotile Information Centre held a press seminar on the topic titled, “Shedding New Light on Chrysotile”. The Press seminar is aimed at providing factual and comprehensive information about chrysotile which is an important mineral used extensively in the construction industry and which has been blamed for causing health hazards.

Union Statement

Proposed title: Support from the trade union community for the safe and responsible use of chrysotile fibre