On February 12, 2009, Labour Inspectors of Bac Ninh Department of Science and Technology worked together with Lua Viet Ltd. Based on their report, the company has produced 12 different kinds of charcoal stove and reach out an average is 20,000 per year. In the process of producing, it has used glass wool as heat-insulating material. At the time doing test, the company had running its business as usual. In its warehouse, there was having 7,000 stocks. The investigated group took three samples that were “Con Co” brand name to do test for evaluating the qualification of heat-insulating material.
On March 12, 2009, Bac Ninh Department of Science and Technology sent the three samples to Technology Center 1 (Central board of Standardization – Measurement – Quality) to examine.
The result was shown that “The samples of Heat-insulating material do not contain asbestos”.
The heat-insulating material primary is fiberglass (SiO2). Moreover, in the component also included others mineral, such as kaolinit, clorit and mullit.
The sampling test from “Con Co” charcoal stoves of Lua Viet Ltd. recognized by the Labour Inspectors of Bac Ninh Department of Science and Technology has brought robust support. The result has shown that Lua Viet Ltd. do not used asbestos fiber to make heat-insulating material.
Signed by Ngo Chi Quang – Vice director of Bac Ninh Department of Science and Technology.
Source: New Hanoi online newspaper